Merry and Bright

Merry and Bright

Author: Wendy Russell-Sheppard

 Wendy is an award-winning local author. Her creative non-fiction work was featured in an American publication “Tales2Inspire: the Opal Collection” edited by Lois Stern. Her most recent work is “Storied: Chronicles by the Circle of Six”, a memoir collaboration with five other local authors, and is available at the Bazaar Artisan Market in Downtown Belleville.

There’s a season for everything, so let’s talk about National Ding-a-Ling Day. It started in the US before unlimited long-distance cell phone plans, back when you had to dial or push buttons to make a call, and the phone on the other end would “ding-a-ling”. “Gimme a dingle” was a common request.

Ding-a-ling club members donated a dollar toward phone bills so people with limited means could reconnect with those who had slipped out of their lives. Traditionally celebrated on December 12th, it’s an attempt to rekindle memories and connections. That would certainly brighten my day.

Let’s talk about brightening everyone’s day in the Downtown District this festive season. The Festival of Lights begins November 19 and continues through to the New Year. Before you venture south to Jane Forrester Park to check out the singing trees, take your time enjoying the light installations downtown. You won’t be disappointed.

November 20th marks the launch of Enchanted, an inspiring showcase for local artisans and vendors. You have to see it to appreciate this event which ends December 31.

The nighttime Santa Claus Parade is approved to roll across Bridge Street on November 21, starting at the Belleville Fairgrounds and ending at the Bayview Mall. Just like the ding-a-lings, we have a chance to support folks of limited means by bringing a donation of food or toys to be collected along the parade route.

The Side Hustle Market runs on the same date in the Downtown District from 2pm until 6pm. This is a special opportunity to shop locally for that unique find for yourself and those special people on your list.

If your thoughts turn to making the lives of pets merry and bright, drop in to Scalliwag Toys to support a fundraiser for Fixed Furlife Quinsey, a local volunteer animal rescue group.

You won’t want to miss the Holiday of Cultures on December 9 and 10. What better season is there than right now to learn about and appreciate the traditions of our diverse community members?

If seasonal music is your jam, give the Empire Theatre a dingle. It has something for everyone, including a timeless classic entitled the Quinte Ballet School of Canada Holiday Dance Nutcracker Favourites show. Shopping, and a meal before or after? Why not?

The Belleville Public Library has its own musical offerings. The Carpe Diem String Ensemble presents “Joy to the World”—a FREE event. The Duncan Cooper Trio performs a holiday jazz concert. Items for the Gleaner’s Food Bank are requested.

New to our Downtown District is Theatre in the Wings, an intimate performance venue near Paulo’s and Dinkel’s on Bridge Street. It’s the new home of the local River and Main theatre company which is presenting Peter Paylor’s hilarious play Christmas in Rosewood.

The Belleville Theatre Guild is offering The Christmas Tree by Norm Foster at the Pinnacle Playhouse.

Whatever makes you feel merry and bright, your experience will be enriched by a visit to the Downtown District. It’s dark outside, but the lights are on, and everyone’s home—ready to extend a warm welcome to you and yours. Whether you’re new to the Friendly City, or you’ve been here for years, come, celebrate with us. Rekindle or make new memories and connections right here.